None of us likes to think about disaster scenarios or imagine that they will affect us or our business. However, we all know that storms and other catastrophic events – natural or otherwise – are a fact of life, and it makes sense to be prepared, just in case.
SegPay CEO Cathy Beardsley recently offered some suggestions on how best to plan for a disaster in an article published on Those of us who do business in areas prone to hurricanes or flooding (hello, fellow South Floridians) are especially aware of how important this is, but regardless of where you live or work, it still makes sense to think about what you would do, and how your business would recover, from the unthinkable.
From Cathy’s article, Webmasters Shouldn’t Wait for Disaster to Hit,
Our company’s continuity plan included 5 key components that helped us stay on top of things, even when we had no choice but to work remotely. Even if you’re not in a hurricane zone, you never know when a disaster may strike. So, to help your business prepare, we’re happy to share this five part plan:
Read the full article on