Get to Know a Segpay Employee: Glen

Glen Nelson
Glen out on the slopes.

Recently, Segpay welcomed Glen Nelson to our team of tech support pros helping merchants with account setup, fraud detection and general product inquiries. For merchants and fellow Segpay employees who have worked with Glen lo these past three months, and wanted to get to know him better, this is your lucky day.

Welcome, Glen! So, where were you working before Segpay?

Thanks! Before Segpay I was with a startup that designed a fuel hedging program for large fleet companies. I was working remotely and wanted to return to an office environment and a more established company.

Where did you grow up?

Born and raised in Chatham, NJ.

Never heard of it.

Then you probably don’t know that Chatham hosted George Washington and his army twice during the Revolutionary war (fact check – true!).

Did you always work in tech support?

My professional background is in finance, specifically financial markets, trading and securities; however, I have had a role in tech support pretty much everywhere I’ve worked.

Was there a dream career when you were a kid?

My father and grandfather both worked on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and I wanted to follow in their footsteps. I was able to live the dream after college, when I went to work on the floor for a specialist firm making markets in securities listed on the NYSE. I was there for several years and it was a great experience.

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

I studied history at Susquehanna University in central Pennsylvania.


Skiing. I also play guitar, bass and drums. But mostly reading. I collect books and have a large library at home.

Can you give us a recent book recommendation?

On Desperate Ground: The Marines at the Reservoir, the Korean War’s Greatest Battle.

Favorite place to ski?

Tough to narrow it down, but if I have to pick one it’s probably Jackson Hole (in Wyoming). It’s on my bucket list to some day ski in Japan.

Favorite place you’ve ever traveled?

Munich. The center of the city is like a trip back to the 1400’s. It’s just a really fun place with a lot of history.

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