It’s never fun to talk about customer cancellations, but the truth is, the more you know about why members cancel, the better you can address customer needs and ultimately make your service better so you’re retaining more members over the long haul.
With that said, today Segpay introduced a feature to help you gain more insight into cancellations, by letting you customize the answers to the one-question survey, “Why are you cancelling your subscription?” Anyone who cancels via the Segpay Consumer Portal, or in a call or chat with a support rep, is asked this question with a default list of multiple choice answers. Now, you can add your own custom answers that address issues specific to your own site(s).
To do that, log into the Segpay Merchant Portal and select Manage Custom Cancel Reasons under the My Consumers menu. Our default list of cancel reasons is displayed so you can see what members already have to select from. If you choose, you can add more descriptive answers that you think might help provide even more insight into why people are cancelling, so you can better tailor your service to meet customer needs.
To see the top reasons members have given for cancelling their account, run the Recent Cancel/Expires report. The report shows you the subscriptions that were cancelled or expired during a specific time period, and includes the reason given for each cancellation, including your custom reasons.