XBIZ 2021 Heats Up, Virtual Seminars You Won’t Want to Miss


As XBIZ 2021 heads into day two, we’re excited to be a part of and presenting during today’s seminar line up.  First, Segpay CEO Cathy Beardsley will be a part of the panel of Billing 2021: The Year Ahead talking about the recent upheaval in payment processing. This executive session will dive into recent developments and help merchants prepare for what’s ahead this year.  Joining Cathy in the discussion is Jonathan Corona from Mobiuspay, Wendy Nelson from Netbilling, Karen Campbell from Orbitalpay, Raja Roy-Choudhury from Chargebackhelp, Evil Chris from Payze and Jeff Adams from CCBill.  This tech track discussion takes place at 3 p.m. PST.

Segpay is also presenting Best Practices for Managing User Uploaded Content.  Cathy will lead an expert panel on the best ways to protect yourself in managing user-uploaded content as recent events now have the spotlight shining on tube sites.  Cathy will be joined by JustFor.Fans’ Dominic Ford, Corey Silverstein from Silverstein Law, QRush.com’s Jim Austin, Tim Henning from ASACP and Segpay’s own Chris Clark.  This discussion will take place at 5 p.m. PST.  

Segpay’s Cathy Beardsley will also join two panels tomorrow, January 13th; at 4 p.m. PST for The Town Hall 2021 where the Free Speech Coalition will be discussing the top issues facing the adult industry and at 5 p.m. PST for the State of the Industry where panelists will share their predictions for the year to come. 

Access to these virtual seminars and all of XBIZ 2020 will be granted by XBIZ.net.  Hope to see you there. 

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