Future of Payment Processing in Emerging Markets

From biometrics to blockchain, learn how your business can stay ahead of the curve.
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Picture your business expanding into new territories. Can you see the untapped potential in emerging markets? They’re not just changing – they’re transforming with digital advancements, rewriting payment processing rules.

Businesses around the world are leveraging technology to tap into a consumer base that’s more digital, more mobile, and more ready than ever before. The world is going digital, and payments are no exception.

Consider the projections by Insider Intelligence: an estimated $534.18 billion in sales by 2024, all driven by mobile commerce. That’s a staggering 40% of total e-commerce sales. Such figures are more than just stats; they’re signposts pointing to the increasingly digital nature of economic transactions in these markets.

In this blog, we’ll journey through the significant tech innovations currently reshaping how we think about payments. We’ll touch on everything from the conveniences of mobile and digital payments to the subtle art of social payments unfolding within social media landscapes. We’ll decipher the complex language of blockchain and cryptocurrencies while also shedding light on the highly personal world of biometrics.

Our exploration won’t stop there. We’ll consider the demand for instant gratification driving the shift toward instant payments and discover how AI and machine learning are quietly weaving themselves into the fabric of the payment industry. By navigating these currents, we aim to equip you with insights into the future of payment processing in emerging markets, arming you with the knowledge to inform your strategy.

What’s the Future of Payment Processing?

Mobile and digital payments

Changing how we transact is only one effect of mobile and digital payments; they’re also broadening horizons, especially in emerging markets. With smartphones and the internet becoming commonplace, these innovative payment modes are redefining financial accessibility.

According to a Statistica report, real-time payment processing technology is expected to explode in growth between 2023 and 2030 by a staggering 289%. That’s a gold mine of opportunity for businesses. But riding this wave isn’t just about volume. It’s also about offering a seamless, reliable, and secure payment experience that fits snugly into the lifestyle of the digital-era consumer.

  • Customer experience: A simple, intuitive user interface can make or break a digital payment platform. It’s all about providing a smooth and effortless experience from when users first log in to when they complete a transaction.
  • Security: Advanced encryption, multi-factor authentication, and other cutting-edge security measures are critical for ensuring safe transactions and earning users’ trust.
  • Localization: The one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t cut it in the world of mobile and digital payments. Businesses must adapt to local preferences, behaviors, and regulations to truly resonate with their target market.

Social payments

Social payments, on the other hand, are blurring the lines between social networking and commerce. Imagine spotting a must-have item while scrolling through a social media feed and purchasing it right there – no redirects, no hassle. That’s the power of social payments.

The beauty of social payments extends beyond mere convenience; they serve as a gateway to a global marketplace teeming with billions of engaged users. Yet, this vast sea of opportunity also emphasizes the need for meticulous data security – your customers’ transactions must remain confidential.

  • Privacy: Transparency in data usage and protection is a key expectation of today’s users. Businesses must ensure they uphold these standards to earn and maintain user trust.
  • Journey optimization: Offering a seamless purchasing experience is a key differentiator. Fewer transaction steps, faster processes, and diverse payment options can significantly enhance user satisfaction.


Mobile and digital payments and social payments are shaking up the world of payment processing. They bring their own set of opportunities and challenges, and businesses that understand these dynamics can carve out a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving digital economy.

What’s Beyond Credit Card Processing?


Instead of wrestling with a labyrinth of passwords, wouldn’t it be a relief to just glance at your device or press your thumb on the screen to authorize a transaction? Your unique physical or behavioral attributes, like fingerprints, facial patterns, or voice, form the cornerstone of biometrics, offering a level of security that’s difficult to breach.

But let’s dive deeper. While it’s a game-changer, it’s not all smooth sailing with biometrics:

  • Data protection: Biometric data isn’t something you can change at will like you can with passwords. Ensuring secure storage and transmission is paramount. This security requires state-of-the-art encryption and data protection methods.
  • User trust: It’s critical to be transparent about collecting, storing, and using biometric data. Users need to know their unique identifiers are in safe hands. Be clear with your privacy policies and always seek informed consent.


In the past year, Statistica reported that a significant portion of individuals believe regulations surrounding the commercial use of biometrics need to be stronger. Further perceived ambiguities in biometric legislation are apparent in fields like law enforcement, social media, and political spheres.

Instant payments

There’s a distinct trend toward instant gratification in today’s digital society. And why should payments be any different? Instant payments can turn around funds in real-time, keeping pace with consumer expectations and boosting business cash flow.

However, faster isn’t always simpler. Rapid transactions, especially at a high volume, can stretch infrastructures to their limits and require special attention:

  • Infrastructure needs: The phrase ‘more speed, more power’ holds true here. You’ll need to beef up your infrastructure to manage the surge in transaction volume that comes with offering instant payments.
  • Cooperating with banks: Seamless integration with banks and financial institutions is non-negotiable for real-time transactions. So, ensuring your systems can play nicely with the banks’ protocols is important.


In a world beyond traditional credit card processing, biometrics and instant payments are becoming influential players. As we push the boundaries of technology and security, these innovations are charting the path for a future of payments that is faster, safer, and more personal.

The Decentralized Payment Revolution


Blockchain technology has made quite a splash in the realm of payment innovation. Picture a system where transactions aren’t just recorded but are linked in a digital chain of blocks – decentralized, transparent, and tamper-resistant. That’s the simplicity and beauty of blockchain. The transparency it brings to payment processing reduces fraud, eliminates the need for intermediaries, and instills a newfound trust in the system.

However, the journey toward harnessing the full potential of blockchain involves overcoming challenges:

  • Regulations: Given the novel nature of this technology, regulatory frameworks around blockchain are still in their infancy and continue to evolve. Staying on top of these changes to ensure compliance can feel like navigating a complex maze for businesses.
  • Technical hurdles: Implementing blockchain technology isn’t as simple as flipping a switch. It requires significant technical expertise, infrastructure, and, most importantly, a mindset shift. The initial investment and its intricacies can be daunting, particularly for smaller businesses.


The attraction of cryptocurrencies is undeniable. As digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security, they are a paradigm-shifting innovation. Their decentralized nature offers a level of transactional freedom unseen before. Cryptocurrencies cut out the middleman, reduce costs, and accelerate cross-border transactions, transforming the face of financial transactions worldwide.

Yet, cryptocurrencies also introduce unique challenges:

  • Volatility: The markets for cryptocurrencies are known for their wild swings. The values of currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum can fluctuate wildly in short periods, creating potential financial risks for businesses that accept them.
  • System integration: Cryptocurrencies require specialized transaction systems, which can be challenging to integrate with existing financial structures. Issues can range from technical implementation difficulties to training staff to handle new payment methods.


At Segpay, we have recently incorporated cryptocurrency transactions into our payment solutions package. This fully secure, KYC and AML-compliant system facilitates transactions with the top ten digital currencies, accepting all types of crypto wallets.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Imagine having a crystal ball that predicts fraudulent transactions and personalizes each customer’s experience. That’s what artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) bring to the table in payment processing. They’re not just add-ons anymore; they’re integral parts of the system that silently streamline processes and enhance customer experience.

However, AI and ML are powerful tools that come with responsibilities:

  • Compliance: As AI and ML become more pervasive, so does the need for rigorous data protection. Compliance with data privacy laws, rules, and regulations is non-negotiable.
  • Ethics: Ensuring the ethical use of AI and ML is a big responsibility. Businesses must strive to maintain transparency in AI decision-making processes and ensure the algorithms used are free from bias.


Embracing these payment innovations can feel like sailing through uncharted waters. But they can be effectively harnessed with the correct approach and mindset. It’s not just about overcoming challenges; it’s about viewing these as steppingstones toward a more secure and efficient payment system. As we march toward the future of payments in emerging markets, the spirit of innovation guides us, opening up endless possibilities.

The Innovative Future of Payment Processing

Wrapping up our journey into the future of payment processing in emerging markets, it’s crystal clear: customers’ evolving habits, continuous technological advancement, an unyielding quest for convenience, and the pressing demand for robust security are steering the ship.

It’s a brave new world where customers are turning digital, and businesses must dance to their tune. The leap from physical wallets to mobile payments and social commerce is a testament to changing consumer behavior. Businesses wishing to thrive in this digital arena must be agile, continuously adapting, and innovating.

Then there’s the undeniable force of technology. Blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning – are more than just buzzwords of our era; they’re shaping it, revolutionizing how businesses operate and process payments. As technology keeps pushing the boundaries, businesses must remain ready for its next wave.

In the race of our fast-paced world, convenience stands as a cornerstone. Instant payments are not a luxury but a necessity, an expectation. But this race is not just about speed; it’s about achieving this convenience without jeopardizing security.

Security, that vital component, will keep on influencing payment systems. As we stretch beyond the realms of traditional credit card processing, safeguarding payment channels becomes more critical. Innovative solutions like biometrics are stepping in to strengthen the security barricade.

As we explore the future of payment processing and innovation, remember that while the sea of change may be vast, you’re not alone. Segpay is here to guide you through every step to help drive your revenue, reduce churn, and rev up retention. Learn more about how our payment processing services can help your company thrive in these changing times.

Want to learn more about your payment processing options?

Contact us today, we’d love to chat with you about how Segpay is the right processing partner for your business. It’s another way we are here for our merchants All the Way to Paid ™. Reach out to us with your questions at [email protected]  

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