Feature Friday: Postback Report Offers Retry Option

Feature Friday Segpay

Sometimes we add small features to existing reports that go unnoticed but could be helpful.   This week in our Feature Friday we wanted to highlight the Postbacks Report.  You’ll find a small checkbox in the top left side of your Postbacks report page.  Click there to requeue a failed postback so that it can be sent again.  You can also click on “Expand” or “Details” to find out more information about the postback.   As with other Segpay reports you can export the data and drill down for more details on the Purchase-ID or Transaction-ID. 

We believe that these features give you greater control over your data and can help you to troubleshoot issues more easily.  Need help using them or others features, reach out at [email protected]. Any feedback or suggestions regarding this feature would be welcomed.

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