Segpay Profiled in Webcam News

Please check out the nice profile of Cathy and Segpay by Irina Kings of Webcam News. We met Irina at the AW Summit in Romania, and really appreciate her interest in our story.

Here’s one part of the profile that some of us just heard about for the first time in this interview:

What did you do before Segpay and how did you decide to start on this project?

Prior to Segpay, I worked for another payment processor in the space that fell into bad hands and was not treating merchant funds properly. I resigned, and on the same day found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I was very excited about leaving a bad company situation and having another baby. However, when I woke up the next day, I realized that no one was going to hire me if I was pregnant

Read the whole story here.

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